SISTER ROSE ANN KAISER, OLVM, 89, a resident of Saint Anne’s Community, Victory Noll, Huntington, Indiana, died peacefully Friday morning, September 23, 2022.
Sister Rose Ann was born in Jefferson City, Missouri on July 15, 1933 to Lawrence Kaiser and Johanna Thessen Kaiser. Her brother, Larry Kaiser of Phoenix, AZ, family, friends and her Victory Noll Sisters, with whom she shared life and community for 62 years, survive Sister Rose Ann.
Sister Rose Ann entered the Congregation of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters on September 6, 1960 and made first vows on August 5, 1963. Sister Rose Ann served in all areas of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry in the states of Texas, California, Massachusetts, Indiana, Michigan, Utah, Missouri and Illinois. She was one of a team of sisters who wrote and produced a television series for parents of pre-school children. Sister Rose Ann was also the Coordinator of Community Arts Program in Illinois as well as serving the congregation on many committees as well as Coordinator for the Covenant Associates.
Due to on-going restrictions, services will be 10:30 AM, Monday, September 26, 2022, for the sisters and family only. If you would like to participate via livestream, please email victorynoll@olvm.org to request the livestream link.
Burial will be at Victory Noll Cemetery, Huntington, IN.
McElhaney-Hart Funeral Home, 715 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, IN, is in charge of arrangements.
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